The 100th School – On its way.
Out with the Old – In with the New
From 2004 to 2024
99 New Durable Schools – Built to Last
Before … & … After
(March 2021) Than Bo Gyi School (June 2021)
… Gandamar school -March 2013 …
… Rebuilt – June2013 …
… PAST …
… Dated , dangerous and condemned …
… Modern, secure and earthquake resistant …
Toilet Facilities
… Unsanitary …
… Hygienic …
Every person who lined up represented either a small group of elderly or debilitated people or a household which has no visible means of support.
Each recipient was given a 61 kilo bag of rice and a 5 gallon jerry-can of oil.
This is calculated to be sufficient enough to take care of four individuals for a period of one month.
Arrangements were made to help deliver these items to their homes.
Since the coronavirus continues to pose an ongoing threat to the entire country’s health and safety, more donations for these remote villagers are being prepared for the upcoming days and weeks.
The auspicious occasion took place at the opening of the new high school in Htan Pin Kan in Mandalay division. Along with the presence of government ministers and villagers from near and far was also the event’s guest of honor, Dr. Daw San Dar from Mandalay University whose generous personal donation financed the school’s construction.
A good time was had by one and all with the school students providing the entertainment with their spirited performances of traditional Burmese song and dance numbers.
Internet-in-a-Box is a small, inexpensive device which provides essential Internet resources without any Internet connection. It provides a local copy of half a terabyte of the world’s Free information.
An Internet-in-a-Box provides:
This link shows some of the subjects that we have installed so far
“It is my pleasure to endorse the work of John Stevens, as well as to provide a reference for him personally. His 100 Schools has a proven track record of delivering quality schools in Myanmar (Burma) on time and on budget. John has assembled and maintained an excellent team and is dedicated to this cause – is totally honest and very capable of working under the difficult environment found in Myanmar today. Again, I am most happy to recommend him and 100Schools without reservation.”
“We have been supporting 100 Schools for the past 5 years. We have visited the country twice and had ongoing communication with John over the years. These guys are honest, have great integrity and are able to build schools for good value and provide materials for the children in villages which really value education”
We are a team of 35 Burmese masons and carpenters led by a Canadian (John D. Stevens) and a Burmese project manager (Maung Maung Gyi). Since 1996, we have been working to improve the economic, health and educational conditions in the villages of Myanmar (Burma)