97 schools completed

Scholarship program

Along with building schools, the development of our scholarship program is another of our main priorities.
      Since 2012, we have been awarding scholarships to promising high school and college level students whose families have little or no resources. On receiving a scholarship there are two major conditions.
First, is that the student continues to maintain high grades each year and the second is, once they have graduated from university, they choose an occupation which in some way helps to educate other Burmese children. Naturally, we are particularly interested in young men and women who want to become teachers.

      A case and point is Pann Ei Khaing ( in English – ‘Miss Lilac’ ).
100 Schools recently sponsored her enrollment at the Cambridge University teaching program administered by the British Council in Myanmar where she went on to graduate with an 89% average. Pann Ei Khaing now teaches English at Dagon University in Yangon.
100schools - Burma - Scholarship program

      Another of our bright scholarship recipients is Hlan Ne Win who is in his second year at Shwebo University in Sagaing division. Along with his university curriculum he has also been taking lessons in computer technology and on graduating, he will help manage the 100 Schools computer lab project which we recently introduced in some of our schools.

100schools - Burma - Scholarship program